Zoom Min/Max Not Working on Magento

Team… we are having an issue with the min/max zoom values, we have setup the corresponding values in the player camera attributes and it is working fine from the 3kit platform (removed link to asset) but when we embed the player in Magento using the Magento plugin, the zoom min/max is not working as expected…

Do you have an idea about this behavior or have a suggestion to apply a work around to set up the min/max zoom from the code?

Hi @ivagueba,

Can you elaborate on what you mean by the zoom not working as expected? There was an issue with one of our recent pushes to preview and I want to see if it is related. If it is there is a simple workaround.

We have set up some constrains regarding the max and min camera zoom. And that is actually working fine if we check the player inside 3Kit preview environment. However once we embed the player in Magento, those min/max values are not being respected and there are no constrains regarding that.

Can you please refresh the page and let me know if the problem still persists? We have an issue in our recent preview deploy that removed zoom completely from 3D players.

The workaround (which I executed in your org) is to simply uncheck the Zoom setting in player settings, save and then recheck and save again.

If this did not resolve your issue I will investigate further.

Hi @Will we tried this but is still not working!!

Hi @Joel,

Sorry for your trouble here - I have opened a case with my team to look into this directly.

@ivagueba you are the contact for this ticket - someone from my team will reach out directly with support. I am going to close this topic, all communication should happen with Threekit via proper support channels.

If anyone needs further assistance or has questions about this please DM me.