Working Assets with part reference attributes

Hello team, here I have a question about how to work an assets visibilities changes, when attributes are created as part reference, in this case I need to hide an asset according the selection; we are working with individual models asociated to an scene and this scene is asociated with the catalog, but I haven´t found the way to set assets visibilities with part reference attributes, the guys told me that every attribute must be set as part reference.

Hi Joel,

Not real sure what you’re trying to accomplish here… If you want to hide a part already in your model, in your rules section, create a boolean attribute, and then a rule setting the nodes visibility. If your node/part is loaded, you can do the same, or only load the components/models dynamically as needed…

If that’s no help, maybe you can expand a bit on how and what you’re trying to do…


Hi thanks for answering, is hard to explain just with text, but i´m going to try, I have a guitar with three attributes in the catalog: GUITAR_MATERIAL, GUITAR_STRINGS, GUITAR_TYPE, all this attributes are set in the catalog as part reference, I have the options to choose for example between 4strings guitar and 5string guitar, I set the rules in the indivudual model, but how can I map this visibility rules into my catalog attributes also we are using tags but is not working, thaks in advance

Hey @Joel can you confirm that the rules you set on the Asset (not the catalog item) are working?

Hi, Will yes the rules on the individuals models are working!!, but as part reference is not mapping them, also the attributes names and values are the same in the individual model and in the catalog

Thanks for the info @Joel - can you please let me know which environment you are on? I am looking into this. Preview, admin-fts, or other?

sure @Will, I’m in admin environment