Upload Images Properties

Hello team, I’ve been working on uploading images and properties everything is working fine, but the only thing is when I try to make bigger the image also when I try to rotate is not moving from the center is moving from the left-bottom, how can I make the image move from the center?


Steps to test

  1. Upload a Image.
  2. Try image size or rotation.

Hey Joel - we will look into it. Due to new security features on Threekit, we can no longer see orgs that we are not members of. Can you please invite myself and @Ian to your org?

[email protected]
[email protected]

Thank you!

Hi @Will, for sure, thanks!!

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Hi @Joel We have access to your org and are taking a look around. Could you tell me which asset your canvas lives on as well as on which asset the resize logic.

Hi, @Ian you can see it in this catalog Cat_Helmets_&_Hard_Hats or this one Cat_Safety_Vest

Thanks Joel, if you go to the asset that your image is saved at and go to the canvas composite properties:

down at the bottom of that section there should be two fields called horizontal and vertical align

if you set those to center and middle I believe it will solve the issue.

here are is the documentation for canvas composites Canvas Composite - Operators

Thanks @Ian I’ve tried with this properties but none of them work, the issue is more like make the image move, rotate or make it bigger from its center and not from the bottom-left

Hi Joel,
I’m sorry but I wasn’t able to determine what was causing this, I have opened a case on your behalf and someone from threekit will contact you shortly.

Thanks for help @Ian!!