React-Threekit Implementation

Hello, I’ve recently cloned the react-threekit dev kit and ran into a couple of issues when trying to start the project. Haven’t changed much other than the name, title, and env variables. I’m hoping someone can point me in the right direction to get up and running with Threekit implementation.

The Issues/questions are as follows:

  • I’m receiving a 429 error code (too many requests) when using the Buttons component.
  • When using the Form component it’s telling me is not a function.
  • In the settings section, The Configuration Level is set to None. Is this an issue?
  • I’m wondering how Global state management works using the threekit dev-kit.
  • They have a redux store(state management) in a threekit folder which we are not supposed to touch.
  • How best should I handle state management so it doesn’t interfere with the dev-kit environment?

Reading the documentation and watching the Demo Webinar provides me no clues to what may be happening.

Github repo:

Thanks in advance

Hi Robert,

@asaeed pushed an update to the dev kit yesterday which should address points 1 & 2.

In the settings section, The Configuration Level is set to None. Is this an issue?
No, this is a feature that has not been fully implemented yet so apoloiges for the confunsion. You can ignore this, it will not impact you.

I’m wondering how Global state management works using the threekit dev-kit.
They have a redux store(state management) in a threekit folder which we are not supposed to touch.
How best should I handle state management so it doesn’t interfere with the dev-kit environment?

We’re not strongly opinionated on how you manage state in parallel to the React Dev-kit’s internal state management. Obviously the redux toolkit would be our recommendation as that’s what we’re using so wouldn’t require any additional dependencies to get you going.

If you want to introduce your own state management inside the <ThreekitProvider> context, we do provide a way to pass in your own project specific redux store/reducers which are then added to our redux setup. The docs currently don’t include how to do this so you can post in the forum if you would like guidance on it.

I hope this is helpful, let me know if we can assist further.

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Works marvelously! If any example repositories are available, Feel free to shoot them my way :slight_smile:

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