Loading the player with Initial Conifguration

We want to load the player with pre saved configuration . The Config is saved in the ThreeKit platform and we have the Long/Short ID.

based on the Threekit Document, we need to pass the LongID/Short ID in the query string but it doesn’t work.

An initial configuration may be provided by setting the tkcsid query parameter to the configurations’ ID or short ID. The ID and short ID for a saved configuration can be found on the Threekit platform.


we have used API approach also

  1. Retrieve the config using https://admin.threekit.com/api/configurations/{id}?bearer_token=[bearer_token]
  2. pass the config object as IntialConfig while loading the player.

The issue we are facing is Retrieving the config is Async call so while the we are getting the config, the player loads.

How we can resolve this issue.

I will DM you for asset details.

This is working as expected and we have resolved your trouble in direct messages. If anyone is having further trouble with this functionality please create a new post.