We recently implemented the Fast Composite API on the new website but it’s not behaving as expected.
We did a test where we changed the default fabric in Magento on the Venetian Ottoman (2250-6100 PLP/PDP). The PLP image on the site no longer appears and the PDP image reverted to a Magento image.
I thought the new API would render the new image automatically if we changed a fabric or finish. Do we still have to pre render everything?
The Fast Composite API does not require you to pre-render items but it does accept a stringified, encoded configuration object to provide you with the appropriate render. The docs do not specify that the object must be encoded, that will be fixed.
Hi - to clarify my earlier post, you do not have to pre-render composite images but the layers may need to be pre-rendered. This is a newer feature - I’m sorry for the confusion. Let me know if I can clarify anything.