Configrations Rules and Logic


  1. We have approx 100 models from different families(7) and each family is having different sizes (20mm, 24mm, 28mm etc) and each size is having variations/models in it (Around 5-6).
    So we need to configure it like: if we choose a size from family A, which is having 3 sizes and each size contains its variations, then we want only those variations to show that belong to that size in the Item/product field. Can you please suggest a rule/ logic for the same.

2)We also need a filter/field to separate glossy and ripped models as per the selections.
*Note: Finishes here are part of models.image_2021_04_09T12_04_35_748Z

Hi Ashutosh,

Should be fairly straight forward - something like this should work:


Hi Ashutoush, thanks for your patience while I got a response together for you. Todd’s technique is definitely one approach and perhaps the most obvious one right now.

Aside from setting the rules manually you could try using custom scripts and fetching data from the catalog that way.

Hi @Will @tcarpenter

We tried the same using string but it is not working as required.

We are getting extra models/sizes in the product field even after applying the filters.

please review the attachment.

Hi Ashutosh,

It’s hard to “police” a model to make sure it’s set up correctly so you only turn on components. So in your rules (I see the attributes, but not the logic), when your conditions are met, you’ll want to not only turn what you want on, but make sure you turn all the others off. Also, you may need to check your model tree dependencies…


Hi @tcarpenter @Will
We fixed the issues using part reference but product list is not loading automatically as per applied filters. can you please guide us to resolve this?
Please review the attachment.

Sorry Ashutosh - not sure what you mean by “…using part reference…”, I haven’t used that technique, so I’m afraid I’m not sure how to help you. However, your rules look as though you’re setting an attribute value, not a node visibility. Notice the difference in my rule icon in my earlier post, compared to yours, maybe that’s your issue? Sorry if that’s no help - maybe Will has a better idea?

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Hello Ashutosh we had similar situation. the work around we found was first hide and then show. just reverse the order.
The hide list would come first and then show. it should work.

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Thank you Todd and Prashant for your input! Ashutosh I am looking for some resources that may be able to help more than I can. Please keep me updated if you resolve this in the meantime.

@Prashant @tcarpenter Thank you for the input the logic are working now.
@Will yes its working now but there are some more issues coming up so I am working on that part .
Thank you for the help :slight_smile:

@Will ,
I am having the same issue, while I am trying to change the information of a dropdown list by tag, it will never refresh. how can I solve this issue?
The Rules


  1. The list contains both, weathercolors and smartcolors tags
  2. Lets change to weathercolors it only contains 1
  3. The list remains the same:

How did you guys resolve this? :smiley:


Hi Carlos, can you please let me know what you are trying to accomplish? Is it that you would like to only show weathered colors or smart colors at once?

You can use a couple of approaches - one being using && operators to make your tags more specific:

Or a data table to drive the attribute values when certain values are selected:

Please let me know if this is helpful or not!

Hi Will,
Thanks for the information, it will help me in the future but it’s not what I am trying to accomplish, I got an example to help us go faster with this:

  1. Select a paint type it can be (a, b, c or d)
  2. if any of those is selected the options of one dropdown will be refreshed and new materials will appear based on the selection of point 1.

This isn’t working, it looks easy but it seems that is not refreshing :frowning:

please help me, is it threekit that fails on updating the dropdown based a selection?

I would suggest using a rule to set Attribute Value Visibility to visible/invisible depending on the value of your paint type. For example:

I have an asset with two attributes: Paint and Subitem.

Like your example, I only want Subitem to show #paint-a-sub items in the dropdown when A is selected and #paint-b-sub when B is selected.

By creating conditional Attribute Value Visibility rules like this:

Your dropdowns should be populated correctly:
Gif recording here

Let me know if this is a suitable approach.

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Hello Will,
Works for me, I don’t know what I was doing bad, I guess I was not turning off (in your example case) subitem with the tags b.

Thanks for your time and help


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Happy to help! Please come back if we can help more :+1: